Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Investor's Edge University Membership Site

Friends, where else can you get this amount of information for ONE DOLLAR? You can't buy a bottle of water, a soda or even a pack of gum for ONE DOLLAR and just look at ALL THE VALUABLE information you will receive.

Naomi Judd's "Naomi's New Morning"
Colorado and Company
Fox and Friends
Real Estate Round Table
Sunshine Direct Infomercial
Sylmark Infomercial

Sunrise Morning Show
Christian WN Radio
Income Property Investment Talk
Larry King "Ask the Guru"
Castle Rock Radio
Chat with Women
Clear Channel Radio
Philadelphia Radio
Real Estate Advise
America's Work Force Radio
News Radio WREC
Real Estate Corner
Real Estate Agent Radio
Real Estate Radio Connection
REI Hour
Real Estate In Focus
Real Estate Radio USA
Spring Board Real Estate Investment Hour
WS Radio

Featured in or written articles for the following Magazines:
Money Magazine
REIP Magazine
Simple Living
Creative Real Estate Magazine

As you can see by this impressive list of accomplishments, we are experts in this industry and continue to prove it even in this economic crisis. Isn't it nice to know that the people who will work hand-in-hand with you are national experts and have trained thousands? We have a motto - no one slips through the cracks. We will do everything in our power to help you become and stay successful.

With our economy in shambles, it is imperative to your success to have someone who will watch your back and train you F*R*E*E each and every week. We will do just that.

Look at what some of our successful students have done:

  • Elliott Anderson - made 1 million dollars in ONE year!
  • Gary Prescott earned 2.8 million in 2008!
  • Valerie Scott has closed over 500 short sales since working with Dwan & Bill!
  • Jim Feerebe has closed 64 short sales in 1 ½ years!
  • Misty Stouffer got a $161,000 property short saled to $81,000!
  • Mary and Dave Austin make well over $500,000 a year!
  • Bill Neves became a millionaire!
  • John Bauer has closed over 250 short sales!
  • Robyn and Erwin Muff have closed several deals in their first 90 days!
  • Ray made $59,000 in 17 days!
  • Louisa flipped a piece of vacant land for a $292,000 profit!
  • Robyn, a 25 year old girl, closed a deal for $295,000 profit that was only two blocks from her house! She looks at her bank statement every night to make sure she is not dreaming!

Register now The Investor's Edge University Membership Site

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

NLP Techniques

NLP Techniques of the Super Successful

Some of you may still be asking yourself what NLP is and what it has to do with real estate. In every area of our lives, we are forced to talk and communicate with others. NLP is advanced communication techniques that will make you a cut above the rest.

Have you heard of Tony Robbins? How about Donald Trump? Each of these powerful men have made fortunes negotiating with others. Trump negotiates some of the biggest real estate deals in the world. Tony Robbins has made millions teaching folks, like you, how to speak to others, unleash the giant inside, walk on hot coals, and much more.

Why are these people so successful? Because they know what to say and how to talk to anyone in any circumstance. Do you? This is why this FOUR-PART TRAINING SERIES will change your business for the better.

Here is small sampling of what Bill will teach you:

  • What to say to BULK real estate investors
  • What to say to Loss Mitigation reps to make them want to work with you
  • How to get homeowners eating out of your hand
  • How to get around "pre-programmed" no's
  • What an objection really is and how to overcome them 100% of the time
  • Why REPEAT, APPROVE, RESPOND is so important to your success
  • Why investors fail
  • Why others are wildly successful
  • How to be a superstar in an unstable market
  • Embedded Commands and how to implement them
  • Learn what "Analogical Markers" are and why they work 100% of the time
  • Learn what "Assumptive Language Patterns" are and why they work

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