Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Short Sale Series

Hi Friends,

I am certain that you loved the call tonight. I know I did! I love talking about short sales!

Because people love to do online training - I have a BRAND NEW four part series on short sales.

This is a hands-on 4 Part Short Sales Series class, and is recorded for your convenience….and with all new information!

Here is a small sample of what you can expect to learn:

Part 1 - We will cover putting your packages together, you will get 5 deals under contract this week as well as find a title company. We'll discuss how to go to contract, how to get in touch with the Loss Mitigation rep, and much more.

Part 2 - You will submit your 5 deals this week using the first offer. We will discuss and prepare the second offer as well. You need to be on your third offer by next week so that we can close these deals by the end of the month.

Part 3 - This week will be working on getting an acceptance letter and setting a closing date. We'll also discuss some bankruptcy so that you can stall for time if you need to.

Part 4 - This week will be the most fun. We'll cover how to get the deals to the closing table, how to use Fast Cash, and what to do next to build wealth. You will love this series!

The beauty of this NEW series is that you get to learn as you implement. At the end of each call, I give assignments so that you can implement your lessons as you go. My goal is for you to close a deal by the end of the series.

What would an extra $10,000, $20,000, or even $75,000 do for you in the next 30 days? Start your 2009….on TOP of the world! Yes - it is possible to be on top of the world while others are struggling.

Take the four part series for just $599 and receive a personal ebook
of my NEWEST Short Sale Secrets program - that's over 500 pages of written material.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Communication Mastery Product

Hi Friends,

Again…another fantastic call from Bill Twyford. He is an amazing speaker and he has such strong communication skills….he is truly a master. I can't begin to explain the importance of GREAT communication skills. Without them, you will be lost. Look at it this way…

  • When you date someone - you use communication skills
  • When you apply for a job - you use communication skills
  • When you travel - you use communications skills
  • When you speak to homeowners - you use communication skills
  • When you work short sales with the banks - you use communication skills
  • When you raise children - you use communication skills
  • When you go to the doctor - you use communications skills
  • When you attend parent/teacher conferences - you use communication skills

In other words - every person you speak to, every place you go, ALL day long
- you are using your communication skills.

Whether you are good at communication makes no difference
- communication skills are everywhere!

Knowing that communications skills are a major part of your life - doesn't it make sense to master them? Ever wonder why one person can hold the attention of an entire room while another can't hold the attention of one? It is in the way they hold themselves, the way they speak, their tonalities, the words they use, and more.

Bill Twyford has a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you. Register - right now - for his world famous program - COMMUNICATION MASTERY. He is offering this program for just $149. We have never offered this program for this little and we never will again.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Communication Mastery

Hi Friends,

What a crazy way this year is starting … we are in Iowa and all temperature records have been broken this week. It was actually 29 BELOW zero! BELOW….without the wind chill factor!

How cold is that?

  • I was standing outside today and my tennis shoes froze to the ground
  • My nose hairs froze when I walked down the street
  • Our training center had ¼ inch of frost on the INSIDE!

It's been a crazy week. How has your year started?

The good news for investors is that there are record numbers of foreclosures. It is expected that over 500,000 mortgage payments will reset soon. That is another 500,000 who may not be able to make the new, higher payment.

That means more homeowners who need a fresh start and will welcome the help of an experienced, caring investor - YOU!

I have a SPECIAL surprise for you. Register for the next call, get on the next call, stay on the call until the very end and I will send you a F*R*E*E program!


Investors - NOW is your time.

  • What are you doing to further your education?
  • What are you doing to find deals?
  • Are you making the millions that you planned to make?
  • What is stopping you?

We have all kinds of students who braved the cold to learn…what's your excuse? I find that most investors who complain that they aren't making money either take too many classes and are all over the map or they don't do what their mentors tell them to do.

Friends - if you follow a PROVEN system, you will have the same results. That is why it is called a PROVEN system - it works over and over again.

Are you following a PROVEN system? If you aren't working with us, you aren't guaranteed success. We have been investing for almost 20 years and have done over 1,800 deals. We have taught thousands of students how to make money in ANY market.

Are you taking advantage of our bi-weekly calls? We do these calls to help you be more successful. They are proven, we cover many topics, we answer questions, we even coach by web camera, we are always here for you. If you participate on our calls and aren't successful - you are NOT listening!

We guarantee that you will be successful when you work with us. I want you to register now for the call this Thursday, January 22, 2009 at 6:00 PST, 7:00 MST, 8:00 CST & 9:00 EST.

You are going to receive many emails from every speaker and promoter in the world. We don't want to be promoters, we want to be your mentors. We consider ourselves to be teachers, not promoters. Our goal is to have the most educated students on the planet. Join us for our bi-weekly calls.

This week we are going to discuss - COMMUNICATION MASTERY. I realize that fine-tuning your communication skills may not sound like an exciting topic, but we promise to make it fun! Do you realize that your communication skills make or break your deals? Talking to banks and homeowners is your KEY to success. People who can't negotiate, can't make money in real estate, especially in a tough market like this.

Set yourself ABOVE the rest - learn to negotiate like a pro in just ONE hour! Really - just one hour can change your life. Register now!

I have a SPECIAL surprise. Register for the call, get on the call, stay on the call
and I will send you a FREE program!*


I want you to register now for the call this Thursday, January 22, 2009
at 6:00 PST, 7:00 MST, 8:00 CST & 9:00 EST.

Go to this Link

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Fed Up Package

Happy New Year! We trust you had an amazing Christmas and New Year. Did you make your resolutions? When I was much younger, I used to make so many New Years' resolutions. Unfortunately, I rarely kept them. I think people should make resolutions they can keep. Most people make the same few resolutions every year…

* Lose weight
* Quit smoking
* Work out more
* Spend less time watching TV

and things like that…

What would work is to make a resolution to gain 20 pounds, smoke two packs instead of one, never go to the gym…in fact…don't even drive by one, watch more TV than ever before…

Now those would be easy to keep .

What I would like to see you do is to write some basic goals and email them to me. Make sure they include the five equities of life - spiritual, financial, family, physical, and mental. Write a few things in each category, post them where you can see them, read them every day, and make them happen.

One of our goals is to help you get through this economic mess and come out on top. The economy is going to get worse this year, so you need to be prepared. 2008 was a mess and 2009 won't be much better. We are not trying to sound like naysayers, but reality is reality and we need to prepare. Chance favors the prepared mind.

4 :00 PST, 5:00 MST, 6:00 CST, 7:00 EST

Fed Up Package

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Where To Begin When Submitting A Short Sale Package

It is important to realize that when submitting a short sale package, you are building a case. The better the case, the deeper your discount. Think of yourself as an attorney preparing for a court hearing. If the attorney shows up unprepared, the case will be lost.

Before you submit your first short sale package, let’s look at an overview of what you are about to do:

  • You are going to submit a total of three offers. Each offer will have a different focus and will be higher than the previous.

  • The first offer will focus on the homeowners, their distress, the distress of the property, and the overall hardship of the situation. This will be your initial offer and your lowest.

  • The second offer will focus on the distress of the neighborhood, crime, job losses, natural disasters, or whatever is happening in the area. In this offer, you’ll raise your initial offer to get closer to the number the bank countered at.

  • The third offer is your highest and final offer. In this offer you will focus on the financial loss to the bank by denying your short sale. You’ll break down, step-by-step, how much the bank will actually lose, how long this will take, and you’ll send a copy to the loss mitigation reps boss.
  • Monday, January 5, 2009

    Online Real Estate Investing Program

    Register NOW to receive your FREE online real estate investing program from Bill and Dwan.
    A $499.00 Value!

    They also want to give you complimentary Investor additional $399.00 Value!
    Join our team NOW! got to Real Estate Investing - Short Sale - Real Estate Foreclosures

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